Book Launch For Stitch Away The Stigma 06/07/24

Something magical is being created in York.

We call it building Recovery Capital. Individuals and organisations from across our city collaborating on a common purpose of celebrating recovery and tackling the scourge of #stigma

People can and do get well and recover. Families can heal too.

At the Stitch Away the Stigma CIC event on Saturday 06/07/2024 many local and national organisations came together to share in that understanding.

We also joined forces in support of the launch of Natalie`s amazing book. It is a powerful and poingnant read but a much valued and necessary one. As a LERO we acknowledge that the loved ones of a person in addiction suffer equally and they need to heal too. 


As well as local organisations. The day was supported by organisations from further afield

We were fortunate to meet Kim Moore from Blossome CIC  and to learn about the fantastic resources they offer

Recovery Hub News 24/05/2024

Our friend and CLERO Recovery Connector, Dot Smith generously gave of her time to visit us in York yesterday.
The whole day was about sharing her knowledge and experience with the partners for the York Recovery Hub.

Which will open in the Autumn of 2024.

We were able to give Dot a tour around the building and take in the riverside views.
We met with City of York Council Public Health staff to discuss management plans for the project and all things recovery.
Including our bid for York to become an Inclusive Recovery City

Recovery Hub News 30/04/2024

We were able to move all our equipment into the Wellington Row premises in preperation for a September opening of the York Recovery Hub.

For us as a Lived Experience Recovery Organisation (LERO) it is deeply frustrating that the building lies empty. While people need support and mutual aid now. 

Three planning conditions imposed on the approved planning consent granted earlier this year. Need to be met and we wait on York City Council Public Health to complete a required management plan.

Recovery Cafe News 23/04/2024

We now offer a dedicated Women only Recovery Cafe session at the York Women Wellness Centre. It offers a safe and welcoming space hosted by women with their own personal direct experience. It is about sharing collective experience, strength and hope with other women. Its a simple offer but one people in recovery know works.

The York Women Wellness Centre is a secure and safe environment. For contact details and location information. Please fill in this Contact Us form here and we will respond to you imediateley.

Or contact Changing Lives York at

Naloxone News 09/04/2024

The York Naloxone Knights were able to spend the afternoon with a team of Peers from Harrogate. The newly formed Naloxone Guardians are working hard to launch their own valuable service in Harrogate and later across other areas of North Yorkshire.

As Changing Lives in York are the drug & alcohol service provider  North Yorkshire Horizons in collaboration with the Peer led group North Yorkshire Connected Spaces are the partnership leading this great initiative. 

We were also joined by a representative from North Yorkshire Police. Where we discussed how both peer led groups will be able to assist in helping to train their staff when a new Police Staff Naloxone Scheme goes live this year. 

Organisation News 04/04/2024

Building a LERO, which is what we are. A Lived Experience Recovery Organisation (CHECK OUT THIS LINK ). Is hard work. It takes dedication, ambition and lots of hope. A bit like early recovery for a person does many people would say.

We certainly do.

From next week we will have three employees. Its another milestone for us. Its also a bit scary and a big responsibility with risks for all concerned. If nothing else we will endevour to do it right and care for people. We are a living wage employer because it is simply the right thing to do.

Fund raising news

We are very grateful to have secured a team place in this years race. We have participated in this event for quite some years now. Through good times and low times as an organisation. Resilience is a cornerstone for people in recovery. YIR is resilent too. We make things happen for ourselves.

  Click this link to follow  Dragon Boat Race 2024

Breaking News!

York In Recovery member Tom Nightingle was recently interviewd by

Read the interview here and follow the link to the Mixed Bag Players page. Where you see more of the work being done by Tom and the team

Please support this valuable work by booking tickets for their production at Theatre 41 in June

Recovery Hub News 14/03/2024

Our latest statement on the progression of the York Recovery Hub project

The property is a two-storey grade II listed building originally constructed in the early 20th century as an electricity substation. It is situated in the Central Historic Core conservation area next to Lendal Bridge on the west bank of the River Ouse. The building was previously in use as a public drop-in centre/exhibition space with ancillary office accommodation used by the Environment Agency and has been vacant since September 2022.