Creative Recovery

In great part recovery is about healing and personal development. Our collective experience is one of substance addiction and it  stealing from us. It takes away our talents, our pastimes, our hobbies and creativity and so much more. We are launching this page to begin to build a platform for anyone to contribute with their writings, artwork, music, and drama. We hope this page is the beginning of an opportunity for everyone to share their hope & their sadness their excitement & dissapointments and all the feelings in between that we all know and recognise. Using any creative medium they enjoy.

Click into the links below to read each poem



Step Out Drama for Recovery

What does Step Out Drama offer?

Through the year Step Out Drama will be delivering group drama sessions at Changing Lives Oaktrees, day based drug & alcohol rehabilitation centre.

This is an exciting opportunity for York In Recovery as a community group. Also, for the people who will be delivering the drama sessions to Oaktrees clients.

In the recovery community the principle of "giving back" is widely practised  Step Out Drama is our first such project. This is all possible due to York In Recovery receiving funding from the Deciding Together Fund in 2021.

Tom Nightingale, Step Out Drama Project lead

" I am so grateful for having found the joy of doing drama. It has changed my life profoundly and I look forward to facilitating all different kinds of theatre workshops.

As someone who is in recovery I would like to share my passion for this with anyone who is in need of a creative outlet. Regardless of drama experience".

Tom our project leader for Step Out Drama had this to say.